Welcome to the New CASL Website
On behalf of our HBCU colleagues, we welcome you to the new CASL website. This is your digital destination for accessing the most current and innovative information related to leadership for broadening participation in STEM at our nation’s HBCUs.
HBCUs have been in existence since the 1800s. However, it has often been the case that their incredibly high rate of graduating African Americans in STEM, which we believe to be due in no small part to effective leadership, has been overlooked, marginalized and grossly understudied.
Our goal is to use the breadth of research tools available to us to provide the venue by which HBCUs can position themselves from the margins to the center of STEM higher education reform. Please, note, though, we will not only rely on those tools that have already been developed within mainstream higher education, but we seek to design new tools by which the myths and misconceptions of HBCUs can finally be put to rest. In doing so, we fully expect to capture, codify, and promulgate the tacit, unexplainable knowledge of our HBCU leaders that inspires and transforms institutional climates in ways that profoundly impact the academic success of African American undergraduates.
We are delighted that you’ve taken the time to visit our site. We hope that you will not only make CASL an online favorite, but also join us in as we journey into the depths of leadership right down to…its very soul.
If you wish to contact us, we can be reached at info@advancingstemleadership.net . We look forward to hearing from you, and to strengthening our collective resolve to broaden the participation of all students in STEM, but particularly those who have been historically marginalized from this enterprise.